Reel Classics > Films
> Movies > The Best
Years of Our Lives (1946) >
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Cast | Crew
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Al is no stranger to job dissatisfaction either. He returns to the
bank and is promoted to the post of vice-president in charge of small loans
where his boss expects him to administer new GI loans to ex-servicemen
according to the principles of sound banking, not his personal assessment of
the human collateral of the men (like Dean White, at left) applying for
them. |

On the home front, Al and Milly (at right, enjoying a late breakfast)
rediscover romance after four years of separation. Unlike Fred and Homer,
once he gets over his initial awkwardness, Al readjusts to his home life
without too much difficulty. He finds his job at the bank increasingly
dissatisfying however, and turns to alcohol more often than not to drown his
Below, Al and Milly have a drink before heading off to the Union Club to
attend a party the bank is giving in honor of Al. Besides being
worried about Al's drinking, Milly is also concerned about their daughter
Peggy and her growing involvement with Fred, a married man. |

Though the male characters are the primary focus of BEST YEARS, all of their
female counterparts turn in excellent performances, the subtle strength of
which balances the intensity of the male roles while at the same time
preventing the overall mood of the film from becoming too melodramatic.
Although not recognized with Oscar nominations,
Myrna Loy and Teresa Wright's
contributions are especially noteworthy. |
Video Clips:
"Al's speech at the Union Club" (three .QT files courtesy Cary).
Speech Part 1 |
March Speech Part 2 |
March Speech Part 3
(1:05 min. 3.42MB) (1:04 min. 3.38MB)
(1:07 min. 3.53MB)
(For help opening any of the multimedia files, visit the plug-ins page.) |

Milly's worries about Peggy are confirmed when Peggy admits she's in love
with Fred. After a double date with Fred and his wife, Peggy returns
home and tells her parents she intends to "break that marriage up!"
Sensitive to the ups and downs of married life, Al is not anxious to see his
daughter become a homewrecker and steps in to put a stop to the
relationship. |

For all the Oscar-winning performances by the male stars of THE BEST YEARS OF
OUR LIVES, the finale scene belongs to
Teresa Wright who, with the help of
Hugo Friedhofer's
score, wordlessly expresses all of Peggy Stephenson's churning emotions with her
ever-searching eyes.
"Finale" (clip) by
Hugo Friedhofer (a
.MP3 file courtesy Fifth Continent Music Corporation). |
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Cast | Crew
| Awards |
| Lyrics |
Set Detail
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