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Myrna Loy
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Beginning her career in
silent films playing everything from maids to exotic slave girls and a variety of Asian vamps,
by the mid-1930s Myrna Loy had worked her way up the Hollywood ladder to become one of the silver screen's
favorite "perfect
wife" comediennes and was even crowned Queen of Hollywood opposite
King Clark Gable in 1936 after
the two won a newspaper popularity poll. She was never nominated for any
Oscars but remained one of the movies' most popular leading ladies through the
1940s, and in 1990 the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presented her with an honorary award for
career achievement.
had already appeared in more than sixty films by the time she was cast as Ursula
Georgie, the half-Asian-Indian secretary to a swami who uses her position and a
series of bad horoscopes to exact revenge on a group of schoolmates who were
mean to her as a child. Starring Irene Dunne
as the loving mother who watches her old classmates die mysteriously one by one,
and whose son is threatened in Loy's ultimate act of villainy, THIRTEEN WOMEN
(1933) seems like a very silly thriller more than seven decades after its debut.
However, the film remains interesting not only for its portrayal of the
upper-middle class obsession with astrology and horoscopes in the 1920s and
'30s, but also the kinds of exotic, usually Oriental and frequently evil
seductresses and femmes fatales Loy played in many-a movie melodrama up until
her break-out into more mainstream Caucasian roles in the mid-1930s. |

Beginning with a supporting role in RKO's
adaptation of the popular Phillip Barry stage comedy THE ANIMAL KINGDOM (1932),
Loy began to gain attention for her comedic talents. But it was her role
in a crime drama under her new contract with
MGM in 1934 that made her a star. Co-starring Clark Gable
William Powell,
MANHATTAN MELODRAMA (1934) told the story of a woman torn between two childhood
friends on opposite sides of the law, and though pretty typical depression-era
film fare, the movie ended up being a box office sensation when it was reported
that the notorious bank robber John Dillinger had just seen MANHATTAN MELODRAMA
when he was gunned down by Chicago law enforcement authorities in front of the
city's now-legendary Biograph Theater on July 22, 1934. |
(1936), the fourth of her seven talkies with Clark Gable,
Loy plays a loving wife who lets everyone else's suspicions about her husband's
pretty secretary (Jean Harlow) get to her. What starts off as a pleasantly
playful romantic comedy grows gradually more serious as the rumors of a love
triangle begin to take their toll on the marriage, and Loy's performance bridges
the transition flawlessly, making for one of her most complex performances to
date. |
yet another romantic drama with Gable, this time co-starring
Spencer Tracy,
Loy plays a Kansas farm girl torn between her love for a flier and her fear of
losing him in Victor Fleming's
TEST PILOT (1938). Featuring stand-out performances by the entire cast,
and highlighting Loy's ability to play both flirtatious and tough, making her
every American male's ideal "gal pal", TEST PILOT earned three Academy Awards
nominations, including one for Best Picture.
loan out to 20th Century-Fox, Loy
received top billing over both Tyrone Power and George Brent in the studio's
1939 film adaptation of Louis Bromfield's novel about the modernization of
India, THE RAINS CAME. Though honored with six creative Academy Award
nominations, including those for cinematography (Arthur
Miller), art direction and original score (Alfred
Newman), as well as the Best Special Effects Oscar, THE RAINS CAME develops
from a humorous cultural snapshot filled with slyly intriguing characters into a
third world romantic melodrama that ultimately disappoints. Nevertheless,
thanks in part to Arthur Miller's
lighting and the more structured fashions of the late 1930s, Loy is gorgeous in
this film, and THE RAINS CAME provides her with an interesting opportunity to
bring a little of her wry wit and spirit to a totally different cultural setting
without seeming out of place. |
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