Reel Classics > Stars
> Actresses > Jean
Jean Simmons
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 Unfortunately for Simmons, 20th-Century
Fox seemed very enamored with the costume drama genre, and in 1954,
cast her in two more. THE EGYPTIAN features Simmons as a tavern
maid in love with a young physician (Edmund Purdom) who witnesses the
emergence of monotheism in Egypt centuries before the birth of Christ.
Music Clips from THE EGYPTIAN (1954):
(clip) by Alfred
Newman and Bernard Herrmann
(a .MP3 file).
Ruins" (clip) by Alfred
Newman and Bernard Herrmann (a .MP3 file).
(For help opening any of the multimedia files, visit the plug-ins
 DESIRÉE (1954), another of Fox's
DeLuxe color Cinemascope costumers, is the story of the rise and fall of Napoleon (played by
Marlon Brando, left). The film features Simmons as the title
character, a seamstress beloved
by the emperor, but who marries another man. It earned Oscar
nominations for art-set direction and costume design, and it is for
these and other elements of its elaborate production that it is best remembered.
As a related aside, it appears that Jean Simmons
co-holds two Academy Award records. First, along with Elizabeth
Taylor, Simmons has appeared in more films to receive Academy Award nominations for
their art-set direction (10) than any other actors
or actresses. At least, I can't find anyone else with a
record to match. Second, to the best of my knowledge, only actresses
Elizabeth Taylor and Deborah
Kerr have appeared in as many films with Oscar-nominated costumes (8)
as Simmons. (Charlton
Heston wins this category on the actor's side however, with 11
This information may appear trivial, but it actually
demonstrates just how many significant, large-budget films Simmons has appeared in
over the course of her career, and it gives a little insight into her
reputation as an actress. Some of these pictures may have been
short on plot or characterization, but the fact that studio executives
so often cast Simmons as the star of films with substantial investments
in production quality (in this case, art-set direction and costumes)
demonstrates the confidence the studios had in her ability to carry
the storyline of a large-scale production without being overwhelmed by
her surroundings. |
 In 1955, in an effort to move her career in a new
direction, Simmons appeared with Marlon Brando,
Frank Sinatra and Vivian Blaine
(right) in Joseph L. Mankiewicz's
lavish musical GUYS AND DOLLS. As missionary Sarah Brown, whom Sinatra
bets that Brando (playing a no-good gambler) can't win over, Simmons did her own singing and earned
"adequate" marks from critics for her dance and vocal contributions. The film version of this musical wasn't as successful as its Broadway predecessor
but is still fondly remembered today.
Multimedia Clips from GUYS AND DOLLS (1955):
Woman in Love" with Marlon
Brando (a .AVI file
courtesy MGM/UA).
Know" (clip) sung with Marlon
Brando (a .MP3 file).
Woman in Love" (clip) sung with Marlon
Brando (a .MP3 file).
(For help opening any of the multimedia files, visit the plug-ins
 The following year, Simmons returned to
Fox to star as the title character
in HILDA CRANE (1956), the story of a twice-divorced young woman who returns
to her hometown and begins relationships with two old flames, a former high
school classmate (played by Guy Madison) whose mother strongly disapproves
of their plans to marry, and an older French professor (played by
Jean-Pierre Aumont). Though THE MANY LOVES OF HILDA CRANE (as it was
called for its UK release) was not as significant or controversial as other
such small-town-revealed films like PEYTON PLACE (1957), it was commercially
successful and earned praise from critics for Simmons performance.
Today the film is most notable for its surprisingly liberated and
independent central character, unusual for films of mid-1950s. |
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