Reel Classics > Stars
> Actresses > Greer Garson
Greer Garson
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"Gable's back and Garson's got him!" Many of Garson's wartime roles -- including Kay Miniver, Edna Gladney,
Marie Curie and even Mary Rafferty -- helped establish a mature and
often gallant screen image of her which audiences sometimes seemed
reluctant to relinquish when her characters changed. Such is the
case in ADVENTURE (1945), Clark
Gable's first post-war film and a picture not kindly received by
critics or audiences. Co-starring
Blondell and Thomas
Mitchell, ADVENTURE is a quirky romance about a staid librarian who
falls for a crazy, tough-talking merchant marine and as a result,
discovers a whole new side of herself she has never acknowledged before.
Adapted from Clyde Brion Davis' novel The
Anointed, the script falls short of its literary aspirations at
times, and director Victor
Fleming seems to speed along the dialogue in an effort to disguise
the problems. ADVENTURE is another case in which Garson's
performance overcomes the film's other short-comings however, and it's
hard not to get caught up in the blinding whirlwind of Emily Sears'
emotions as her relationship with Harry Patterson turns her world upside-down. |
 DESIRE ME (1947) has the dubious distinction of being
the only major film ever issued without a director's credit, and the
fact that none of the four directors who worked on the film (including
Cukor and Mervyn LeRoy) would allow their names to be used on
screen, clearly illustrates what a disaster the picture was from the
Adapted from a post-World War I play by
Leonhard Frank, DESIRE ME was plagued by massive script problems,
director-star conflicts, star-star conflicts, and a huge wave which
swept Garson and co-star Richard Hart along the jagged rocks of
the Monterey coast (substituting for Brittany), inflicting cuts, bruises
and back problems on Garson that would necessitate numerous surgeries in
the following months and years. Despite everything however, Garson
still manages a sincere and credible performance as a French war widow
who is confronted by a soldier who was once imprisoned with her husband,
Paul, in a German camp. The soldier has fallen in love with
her based on the stories Paul used to tell him in prison, and he wants
to take the place of her dead husband. If anything, this film is
worth seeing as the supreme example of Garson's talent for rising above
second-rate material. |
 After two commercially and critically disappointing
vehicles (the second of which, DESIRE ME, had actually lost money),
Garson was reunited with Walter
Pidgeon for a sixth time in JULIA MISBEHAVES (1948) and redeemed
herself with a resounding hit. In this lightly romantic comedy,
Garson plays a touring showgirl who returns home to her long-ago
divorced husband upon the occasion of their daughter's wedding.
The obvious comedy of manners resulting from a showgirl at a society
wedding is inevitable, and this film definitely falls into the category
of low-brow humor rather than high-brow wit. Again, the script
disappoints at times, but Garson carries the film marvelously well, and
everyone seems to enjoy themselves. She also contributes a touch
of poignancy to the film in her scenes with
Taylor, the daughter she hasn't seen since infancy. |
 The real highlights of JULIA MISBEHAVES however, are
Garson's scenes as a showgirl. First, she begins the film in a
bubble bath. And then, reminiscent of her energy and enthusiasm
early in RANDOM HARVEST, she performs musical numbers such as "Oh!
What a Difference the Navy's Made to Me" which are delightfully gay
and entertaining. She even performed her own stunts in this film,
including the scene (at left) in which she sings "When You're
Playing with Fire" from a balcony thirty feet above the stage and
then is lowered onto a human pyramid (constructed by the Ted De Wayne circus
troupe with guest star Cesar Romero, bottom center) for the grand
finale. |
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