Reel Classics > Films
> Movies > Gone With the
Wind (1939) >
Gone With The Wind (1939)
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 Besides Leigh
featured several other famous silver screen faces including Olivia
de Havilland as the angelic Melanie Hamilton (far right), Leslie
Howard as Ashley Wilkes (seated center), and Harry Davenport as Dr. Meade (seated
Other stars in the film's cast of thousands include Thomas
Mitchell as Scarlett's father Gerald O'Hara, Hattie
McDaniel as Mammy (She won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for this
role.), Butterfly McQueen
as Prissy, and Jane Darwell
as Dolly Merriweather. |
 Even before casting had been completed, filming on this epic
classic began with the famous "Burning of Atlanta"
scene. But rather than set fire to Atlanta itself, producer David O.
Selznick and the crew of the film actually burned down a bunch of old
sets on the studio backlot. The fire was so intense that Culver City residents
called the fire department reporting that MGM
was burning down. The cost of producing this blaze, shot on December 10,
1938, was estimated at $25,000. |
smash your skull between them like a walnut." --Rhett. |
More Memorable Quotations:
you ever think of marrying just for fun?" --Rhett (a .WAV file).
"Marriage fun? Fiddle-dee-dee. Fun for men you mean."
- "This is an honorable proposal of marriage, made at what I
consider a most opportune moment. I can't go all my life waiting to catch
you between husbands." --Rhett.
that rustlin' noise I hear?" --Rhett.
"Lawdy, Mr. Rhett. That ain't nothing but my red silk petticoat you
done give me." --Mammie.
"Nothin' but your petticoat? I don't believe it. Let me see. Pull
up your skirt." --Rhett.
"Mr. Rhett, you is bad. You Lawdy!"-- Mammie (a .WAV file).
- "Rhett... if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?" --Scarlett.
my dear, I don't give a damn." --Rhett (a .WAV file).
all ... tomorrow is another day." --Scarlett (with ending
music, a .WAV file).
(For help opening any of the multimedia files, visit the plug-ins
page.) |
 While approximately 1,400 actresses auditioned for the part
of Scarlett O'Hara, the story goes that David
O. Selznick only considered Gable
for the part of Rhett Butler. In the end, Leigh
received about $25,000 for her services while Gable
took home over $120,000. |
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