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> Movies > Casablanca
(1943) >
Casablanca (1942)
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 The Flashback:
CASABLANCA has more lines that have become classic quotations
than any other
movie I can think of. It is also probably one of the most misquoted films
At right, Rick and Ilsa eat peanuts in Paris:
"We'll always have Paris." -- Rick
Montage" (clip) by Max
Steiner (a .MP3 file courtesy Rhino Records). |
The most famous line in the film (and one of the most famous lines in
movie history) is Rick's toast to Ilsa:
Rick: "Who are you really? And what were you
before? What did you do and what did you think? Huh?"
Ilsa: "We said 'no questions'."
looking at you, kid." (a .WAV file).
 Besides all the classic lines, the song "As
Time Goes By" also became famous as a result of this movie (although it
was not original to the film). Not
only did Dooley Wilson do a memorable job singing it, but composer Max
Steiner wove strains of it so completely into the film's score that
it seems impossible to imagine the one without the other. |
 Rick and Ilsa at La Belle Aurore.
Despite the good times had in Paris, happily-ever-after was not meant to be just yet. The Nazis
march into Paris, and Rick and Ilsa make plans to flee.
Later, Rick recalls: "The Germans wore gray. You wore
Ilsa responds: "Yes. I put that dress away.
When the Germans march out I'll wear it again."
But notice in the two pictures above and at left, Ilsa
is wearing a suit, not a dress. Oops.
La Belle Aurore" (clip) by Max
Steiner (a .MP3 file courtesy Rhino Records). |
 It's time to leave, but Ilsa is nowhere to be
found. Then Sam arrives at the train station with a note:
"Richard, I cannot go with you or ever see you again. You must not ask
why. Just believe that I love you. Go my darling, and God
bless you. --Ilsa"
Sam consoles Rick, who's feeling
as though his insides had just been kicked out. |
 Back to reality:
"She's coming back. I know she's coming
back." --Rick.
And she does.
Returns" (clip) by Max
Steiner (a .MP3 file courtesy Rhino Records).
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