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Casablanca (1942)
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 CASABLANCA (1942) is the ultimate classic movie. It may not be the
most moving or meaningful, but it has something for everyone, and it's
one of those films you can watch over and over again, and every time find
something you hadn't noticed before. In fact, I'm one of those people who
not only thinks that everyone should see it, but who is also of the opinion
that the more times you see it, the better it gets. Music Clip:
Title" (clip) by Max
Steiner (a .MP3 file courtesy Rhino Records).
(For help opening any of the multimedia files, visit the plug-ins page.) |
 The love story between
Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey
Bogart has already gone down in history, and will probably end up being
as eternal as Romeo and Juliet. At the same time, CASABLANCA is
filled with colorful supporting characters who make it humorous, melodramatic,
and even adventuresome all at the same time. If you only intend to see
one classic movie in your lifetime, this is probably the one-- and please,
if you're going to make the effort, don't waste your time with the colorized
version; it simply isn't the same. |
Above are just a few of the many posters that have been printed up for CASABLANCA
over the years: At top, a window card from the original 1943 release.
Next, a reprint of the poster
from the original Belgian release of the film. At left above, a poster from the 50th Anniversary re-release for
which Ted Turner and company issued a restored and remastered print of
the film that is simply spectacular. And finally, a poster from
the original German release, though I'm not sure when exactly they finally
got to see it. |
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