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Myrna Loy
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The same year as her break-out role opposite him in MANHATTAN MELODRAMA
(1934), Loy co-starred with William Powell
in two other films, the mystery drama EVELYN PRENTICE (1934) and a quirky comedy
mystery based on a novel by Dashiell Hammett, THE THIN MAN (1934).
Starring Powell
as Nick Charles, an upper-class amateur detective who solves murders for fun,
and Loy as his devoted, dry-witted wife Nora who doesn't mind being his Girl
Friday as long as there's no real danger involved, THE THIN MAN proved so
popular with audiences that it spawned a series of five more fun-filled mystery
capers centered around the Charleses and their beloved dog Asta.
In addition to promoting the careers of its leading stars, THE THIN MAN
series also helped launch the careers of everyone from Asta (played by a terrier
named Skippy who went on to make several other notable film appearances during
the 1930s) to up-and-coming MGM players
like Jimmy Stewart, Cesar Romero,
Penny Singleton (later of BLONDIE fame), Ruth
Hussey and Donna Reed. |
the most prestigious production of her career to date, Loy plays
Billie Burke, the second wife of famed Broadway
impresario Florenz Ziegfeld, in MGM's
lavish, star-studded biopic THE GREAT ZIEGFELD
(1936). Starring
William Powell in the title role and Oscar-winner Luise Rainer as
Ziegfeld's first wife, stage star Anna Held, the film won the Academy Award as
the Best Picture of 1936, and also features such legendary Follies personalities
of the 1910s and '20s as Fannie Brice, Harriet Hoctor and
Ray Bolger. Despite the
billing order, Loy's role is definitely secondary to those of
Powell and Rainer. Nevertheless, it illustrates the
ever-increasing regard in which her home studio now held her. |
addition to her six THIN MAN movies with
William Powell, Loy also played opposite him in eight other films between 1934 and
1947, ranging from the aforementioned mystery/crime dramas MANHATTAN MELODRAMA
and EVELYN PRENTICE (both 1934) to their most popular films together, romantic
In LIBELED LADY (1936), Loy plays a rich, no-nonsense society girl who sues a
newspaper for libel when it prints a story impugning her reputation. After
the paper's editor (Spencer Tracy)
sets out to dig up some real dirt on her and can't find any, he hires
Powell to infiltrate her social circle and create a compromising
situation. But Loy isn't easily compromised. Although
Powell wins most of the laughs in this Best Picture-nominated romantic
comedy, Loy creates the most credible character in the film. Under her
guidance, Connie Allenbury evolves from a wary, standoffish ice princess into a
charming, playful and even touchingly vulnerable woman.

By the 1940s, after having played opposite each other so often in films,
audiences came to expect Powell
and Loy to get together before the final reel. As a result, their more
typical boy-meets-girl romantic comedy plotlines evolved into comedies of
remarriage -- similar to such classics as THE AWFUL TRUTH (1937),
(1940) -- in which the leads begin the film as a married or
recently-divorced couple whose often-sexually-charged relationship goes
humorously on the rocks before those whom God hath joined together are
I LOVE YOU AGAIN (1940) features
Powell as an amnesia victim who finds himself reunited with a wife
(Loy) and life as a small-town civic leader, all of which he has completely
forgotten. In LOVE CRAZY (1941), Loy and
Powell play a married couple who come to suspect each other of
infidelity on their otherwise blissful fourth anniversary. As in most of
their films,
Powell's zany antics (even to the point of cross-dressing) are the
fun-loving heart of these comedies of remarriage, but Loy's ability to play the
straight-man -- reacting both humorously and straight-faced -- keep
Powell's clowning credible and contribute an essential element to the
fine balance these otherwise over-the-top films achieve. |
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