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> Musicals >
Funny Face (1957)
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A poster from this 1957 musical story of a bookworm-turned-fashion
model, Stanley Donen's FUNNY
FACE, which was nominated for four Academy Awards.
Memorable Quotations:
- "One never talks to Maggie Prescott. One only listens." --Dick.
- "Trees are beautiful. Why don't you photograph trees?" --Jo.
- "Suppose we just leave my bones alone and give me my $53.95." --Jo.
- "Stop! I don't want my hair cut! I don't want my eyebrows up or down.
I want them right where they are! And I see no functional advantage in a
marvelous mouth. I'm leaving now, and if anyone so much
as makes a move to stop me, there'll be plenty of hair cut and it won't
be mine!" --Jo.
- "I have no illusions about my looks. I think my face is funny."
- "When I get through with you, you'll look like--what do you
call beautiful? ...a tree. You'll look like a tree." --Dick.
- "Where I come from, the mans asks the girls to dance." --Dick.
- "No, I'm not mad. I'm hurt and disappointed -- and mad!" --Jo.
- "You don't have to be friendly to work together. Acquainted will
do." --Jo.
- "Professor, I love every broken bone in your body." --Dick.

Audrey Hepburn and
Fred Astaire dancing
together next to the Chateau de la Reine Blanche in Coye-la-forêt, a small
picturesque town north of Paris in the Picardie region of France.
Fred sing part of the title song, "Funny
(a .WAV file courtesy Verve Records).
(a .MP3 file courtesy Verve Records).
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