Reel Classics > Films
> Musicals > My Fair
Lady (1964) >
My Fair Lady (1964)
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"Have you ever met a man of good character where women are concerned? ...
Well, I haven't. I find the moment I let a woman make friends with me
she becomes jealous, exacting, suspicious and a damn nuisance. And I
find the moment I make friends with a woman, I become selfish and
tyrannical. So here I am, a confirmed old bachelor, and likely to
remain so." --Professor Higgins.
As Pygmalion and Shakespeare's Benedick (Much
Ado About Nothing) before him, Professor Higgins has developed an utter
contempt for women and is quite content with his quiet bachelor existence.
What's more, he insists, "I'm An Ordinary
Man". |
 Eliza's father, Alfie Doolittle (Stanley Holloway), is also a bachelor, but
in his case, marriage is a "middle class morality" the dustman says he can't
afford. Alfie gets by in life "With a Little Bit O' Luck"
and goes to inquire after the strange fate that has befallen his daughter.
a Little Bit O' Luck" (clip) sung by Stanley Holloway (a .MP3 file courtesy Sony
 Finding Eliza at Higgins' house, Alfie touches the
professor for £5 and leaves his daughter to continue practicing her vowels.
Aaaaaaayyyyyy!" --Eliza.
Eliza is fed up with the
drills and fantasizes about Higgins' death, singing "Just you wait,
Henry Higgins. Just you wait!" |
 Days go by and Higgins himself becomes increasingly
frustrated with Eliza's failure to master the proper pronunciation of
phrases and ridiculous rhymes designed to teach her certain sounds.
"In Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire,
hurricanes hardly ever happen." --Professor Higgins (a .WAV file). "How kind of you to let me come." --Professor Higgins. |
 With six marbles in your mouth,
and enunciating every word just as if the marbles were not in your mouth,
"With Blackest
Moss, the Flower Pots Were Thickly Crusted, One and All" (a .AVI file
courtesy 20th Century-Fox). |
Still More Memorable Quotations:
- "What am I? Ah ask ya that. What am I?
Ah'm one of the undeservin' poor. Now think wha' tha' means to a
man. It means he's up against middle class morality for all o'
time." --Alfie Doolittle.
- "I ain't pretending to be deservin'. No. Ah'm
undeservin'. And Ah mean to go on being undeservin'. I like it,
and that's the truth." --Alfie Doolittle.
- "Think what you're trying to accomplish. Just
think what you're dealing with. The majesty and grandeur of the
English language is the greatest possession we have. The noblest thoughts
that ever flowed through the hearts of men are contained in its
extraordinary, imaginative and musical mixtures of sounds. And that's what
you've set yourself out to conquer, Eliza. And conquer it, you
will." --Professor Higgins.
(For help opening the multimedia files, visit the plug-ins page.) |
 Finally, at three in the morning, after a solemn pep talk
from Professor Higgins, Eliza achieves a breakthrough and a celebration
"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."
Rain in Spain" (clip) sung by Rex Harrison,
Marni Nixon, Audrey Hepburn and
Wilfred Hyde-White (a .MP3 file courtesy Sony
Music Entertainment). (For help opening the multimedia files, visit the plug-ins page.) |
 Higgins, Pickering and the household staff may be ready
for bed after the long day, but Eliza is so excited with her progress and
having finally pleased her implacable teacher, she
sings "I
Could Have Danced All Night".
tired out. You must be dead. Your face is drawn. Your eyes
are red. Now say goodnight. Please, turn out the light.
Please, it's really time for you to be in bed." --The Maids.
"Bed! Bed! I couldn't go to bed! My
head's too light to try to set it down! Sleep! Sleep! I couldn't
sleep tonight, not for all the jewels in the crown!" --Eliza. |
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