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Helen Hayes

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Image Credits:
  File Name Description Image Source
fontanne_cornell_hayes_lifecover_19nov51.jpg (15052 bytes) fontanne_cornell_hayes_
With Lynn Fontanne and Katherine Cornell on the cover of the November 19, 1951 issue of Life Magazine. courtesy Life Magazine.
hayes_cooper_farewellarms.jpg (11341 bytes) hayes_cooper_
With Gary Cooper in a publicity still for A FAREWELL TO ARMS. courtesy CMG Worldwide.
hayes_faceshot.jpg (10263 bytes) hayes_faceshot.jpg A portrait of Hayes. courtesy Microsoft Cinemania.
hayes_herbieridesagain_poster.jpg (19523 bytes) hayes_herbieridesagain_
A poster from HERBIE RIDES AGAIN. courtesy Bruce Hershenson.
hayes_lewisstone_sinmadelon.jpg (10264 bytes) hayes_lewisstone_
Consoling Louis Stone in THE SIN OF MADELON CLAUDET. scanned from The Movie Makers by Sol Chaneles and Albert Wolsky (1974).
rwalker_hayes_mysonjohn.jpg (36977 bytes) rwalker_hayes_
With Robert Walker in MY SON JOHN. scanned from The Films of The Fifties: Sunset Boulevard to On the Beach by Douglas Brode (1976).
yul_ingrid_hayes_anastasia.jpg (13167 bytes) yul_ingrid_hayes_
With Yul Brynner and Ingrid Bergman in a publicity still for ANASTASIA. scanned from American Movie Classics Magazine (June 1995, page 8).
*Uncredited images are so listed because their appropriate information is unknown at this time.

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