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Bette Davis

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Image Credits:
  File Name Description Image Source
bette_allabouteve_poster.jpg (15722 bytes) bette_allabouteve_
A poster from ALL ABOUT EVE. courtesy Greatest Films.
bette_alleve_4shot.jpg (8472 bytes) bette_alleve_4shot.jpg Bette with Anne Baxter, George Sanders and Marilyn Monroe in ALL ABOUT EVE. scanned from 65 Years of the Oscar: the official history of the Academy Awards by Robert Osborne (1994).
bette_allthis_withkids.jpg (20545 bytes) bette_allthis_withkids.jpg Bette with Virginia Weidler, June Lockhart, and Richard Nichols in ALL THIS, AND HEAVEN TOO. courtesy ChildStarlets.
bette_crawford_babyjane_beach.jpg (21045 bytes) bette_crawford_
Bette at the beach with Joan Crwaford in WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? scanned from Bette Davis: a celebration by Alexander Walker (1986).
bette_dangerous.jpg (18162 bytes) bette_dangerous.jpg A publicity still from DANGEROUS. courtesy Mitali's Images on Film (no longer online).
bette_darkvictory.jpg (13824 bytes) bette_darkvictory.jpg Bette in DARK VICTORY. courtesy Mitali's Images on Film (no longer online).
bette_darkvictory_poster.jpg (13192 bytes) bette_darkvictory_poster.jpg A poster from DARK VICTORY. courtesy Greatest Films.
bette_deadringer.jpg (13735 bytes) bette_deadringer.jpg Two Bettes in DEAD RINGER. scanned from Bette Davis: a celebration by Alexander Walker (1986).
bette_fonda_jezebel.jpg (11112 bytes) bette_fonda_jezebel.jpg Bette with Henry Fonda in JEZEBEL. courtesy The Palace.
bette_foxes_fan.jpg (9642 bytes) bette_foxes_fan.jpg Behind her fan in THE LITTLE FOXES. scanned from The Illustrated Who's Who of the Cinema edited by Ann Lloyd and Graham Fuller (1983).
bette_georgebrent_inthisourlife.jpg (17970 bytes) bette_georgebrent_
With George Brent in IN THIS OUR LIFE.  
bette_henreid_nowvoyager_sunset.jpg (13980 bytes) bette_henreid_
With Paul Henreid in NOW, VOYAGER. scanned from Bette Davis: a celebration by Alexander Walker (1986).
bette_herbmarshall_theletter.jpg (23740 bytes) bette_herbmarshall_
With Herbert Marshall in THE LETTER. courtesy The Palace.
bette_humanbondage_poster.jpg (17909 bytes) bette_humanbondage_
A poster from OF HUMAN BONDAGE. courtesy Greatest Films.
bette_hushhush_poster.jpg (18916 bytes) bette_hushhush_poster.jpg a poster from HUSH... HUSH, SWEET CHARLOTTE.  
bette_jezebel_poster.jpg (18713 bytes) bette_jezebel_poster.jpg A poster from JEZEBEL. courtesy Greatest Films.
bette_jezebel_reddress.jpg (17159 bytes) bette_jezebel_reddress.jpg Bette in her red dress from JEZEBEL. scanned from Bette Davis: a celebration by Alexander Walker (1986).
bette_leslie_humanbondage_waitress.jpg (11285 bytes) bette_leslie_
Bette with Leslie Howard in OF HUMAN BONDAGE. scanned from Bette Davis: a celebration by Alexander Walker (1986).
bette_leslie_petrifiedforest.jpg (20749 bytes) bette_leslie_
Bette with Leslie Howard in THE PETRIFIED FORESST. scanned from Leading Ladies by Don MacPherson and Louise Brody (1986).
bette_lifecover_23jan39.jpg (15831 bytes) bette_lifecover_
Bette on the cover of the January 23, 1939 issue of LIFE Magazine. courtesy the LIFE Magazine homepage.
bette_letter_poster.jpg (10815 bytes) bette_letter_poster.jpg A poster from THE LETTER. courtesy Greatest Films.
bette_margochan.jpg (11979 bytes) bette_margochan.jpg A publicity portrait of Bette as margo Channing in ALL ABOUT EVE. courtesy The Palace.
bette_nowvoyager_poster.jpg (19241 bytes) bette_nowvoyager_
A poster from NOW, VOYAGER. courtesy Greatest Films.
bette_nowvoyager_withflowers.jpg (16974 bytes) bette_nowvoyager_
A still of Bette in NOW, VOYAGER. courtesy Mitali's Images on Film (no longer online).
bette_portrait.jpg (16695 bytes) bette_portrait.jpg A portrait of Bette. courtesy Screen Sirens.
bette_queenneliz_liveselizessex.jpg (25235 bytes) bette_queeneliz_
Bette as Queen Elizabeth in THE PRIVATE LIVES OF ELIZABETH AND ESSEX. scanned from The Movie Makers by Sol Chaneles and Albert Wolsky (1974).
bette_richards_watcherwoods.jpg (20624 bytes) bette_richards_
Bette with Kyle Richards in WATCHER IN THE WOODS. courtesy ChildStarlets.
bette_thenanny_dix&rope.jpg (21759 bytes) bette_thenanny_
Bette with William Dix and Wendy Craig in THE NANNY. scanned from Cinematernity: Film, Motherhood, Genre by Lucy Fischer (1996).
bette_virginqueen_pic.jpg (10972 bytes) bette_virginqueen_pic.jpg Bette as Queen Elizabeth in THE VIRGIN QUEEN. scanned from American Movie Classics Magazine (June 1997) page 9.
bette_william_satanmetalady.jpg (14447 bytes) bette_william_
Bette with Warren William in SATAN MET A LADY. scanned from The Movie Makers by Sol Chaneles and Albert Wolsky (1974).
bette_wyman_garfield_carson_hwoodcanteen.jpg (14933 bytes) bette_wyman_garfield_
Bette with Jane Wyman, John Garfield and Jack Carson in THE HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN. scanned from Bette Davis: a celebration by Alexander Walker (1986).
*Uncredited images are so listed because their appropriate information is unknown at this time.

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