A poster from the recently-restored suspense masterpiece
VERTIGO (1958).
the movie trailer from the newly restored version of VERTIGO (a .MOV file).
(For help viewing this file, visit the plug-ins
Jimmy as former police detective "Scottie" Ferguson with
Madeline (Kim Novak) in Hitchcock's
VERTIGO. This film is complemented by a haunting score by Bernard Herrmann
and earned an Oscar nomination for sound.
Hear Scottie struggle to bring
Madeline out of one of her strange states (a .WAV file).
Co-starring with Doris
Day in THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH (1956), Hitchcock's
thriller about a man and his family on vacation whose mistake of being
in the wrong place at the wrong time causes them all kinds of problems,
not the least of which is the kidnapping of their son.
With Grace Kelly
in REAR WINDOW (1954), Jimmy's personal favorite of his Hitchcock
films. In it he plays a photographer cooped up in his apartment due to
a broken leg who begins to watch his neighbors from his window and comes
to believe that one of them has murdered his wife.