Reel Classics > Films
> Movies > Casablanca
(1943) >
Casablanca (1942)
Cast | Crew
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 The Finale:
Love and politics don't mix very well, but they do make for
an exciting turn of events.
Rick pulls a gun on
Capt. Renault and asks him to fill out the letters of transit.
"And remember, this gun is pointed right at your heart."
"That is my least vulnerable spot!" |
 Captain Renault, Lazlo, Rick and Ilsa arranging the getaway
at the airport--but the adventure isn't over yet.
Strasser's been shot.
up the usual suspects." --Renault (a .WAV file). |
 The most famous goodbye in cinema history: "Where I'm going you can't follow. What I've
got to do you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but
it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't
amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand
that. Now, now . . . Here's looking at you, kid." --Rick. |
The Goodbye from CASABLANCA:
"Now, now . . . Here's looking at you, kid." (a .MOV file).
"I've got a job to do too . . ." (longer version) (a .AVI
file courtesy Warner Bros.
Home Video).
"Inside of us we both know . . ." (longest version) (a .AVI
file courtesy Warner Bros.
Home Video).
(For help opening these files, visit the
page.) |
 Can you look at this studio publicity still from CASABLANCA
and tell why this movie just has to be seen in the original black
and white? Arthur Edeson's cinematography might not have won the Oscar
in 1943, but Ingrid Bergman
is so luminous in certain scenes and Humphrey
Bogart so debonair in his white jacket and black tie, that to paint a portrait like
this with computer colorization seems a crime. Incidentally, Ted Turner
did just that in 1988 and the colorized version is still available, but
considered rather out-of-style these days. |
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Cast | Crew
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