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The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

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Article 3

The Best Years of Our Lives

Three veterans solve the problem of fitting into a peacetime U.S.

LIFE Magazine  December 16, 1946 page 71-73

Peggy and Milly take Fred and Al home

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CELEBRATION for Al's return ends up with Al passed out, Peggy driving and Fred, stranded because he cannot find his wife, invited to spend the night.

Homer and Wilma's families have lemonade

HOMER IS HARRIED by his pitying family into fumbling with the hooks he has learned to use well, drops a glass (above) and angrily stalks out alone.

Al makes a speech at the Union Club

AL SPEAKS at a testimonial banquet given for him by his bank. He propounds unorthodox policy of relaxing loan restrictions to help out veterans.

Peggy discusses her problems with Al and Milly

PEGGY CONFRONTS her parents with admission that she has fallen in love with Fred. Al tries to break up the romance, induces Fred not to see her.

Fred and Marie quarrel

FRED IS LEFT by his floozy wife (Virginia Mayo) because he has only a low-paying clerk's job and no longer wears the uniform which made her love him.

Fred kisses Peggy

HAPPY ENDING comes for Fred and Peggy when he finds a rewarding job building veterans' homes and, now divorced, is free to ask her to marry him.

© 1946 Life Magazine

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