The Columbia
Lady as she appears on the 2000 Columbia/Tristar Logo.
The "Columbia Lady" who has worn her toga and held
her torch high for most of Columbia Pictures' seventy-five year history, has
a history of her own, although the facts get a little fuzzy in places and
are completely missing in others.
The logo first appeared in 1924, and though multiple
models have come forward over the years and claimed to have posed as the
original lady, Columbia Pictures themselves (now owned by Sony Pictures
Entertainment) says they have no records or documentation to verify any of
the claims.
The Columbia
Lady introducing IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (1934).
In Bette Davis' 1962 autobiography The Lonely Life,
she makes a passing reference to "Little Claudia Dell", an actress
from the 1930s and early '40s, "whose image," Bette remarks,
"was used as Columbia Pictures' signature for years." But there are others.
In 1987, People Magazine reported that a Texas-born model and
Columbia bit-player named Amelia Batchler had modeled for the logo in 1933.
And a February 2001 article in the Chicago Sun-Times reported claims
by a local woman named Jane Bartholomew, who worked as an extra at Columbia
in the 1930s, that she was the model for the version of the logo that
appeared late in that decade. Given the many incarnations of the woman
in the logo over the years, it is even possible that all three of these
women posed as Miss Liberty at some point, each for a different version of
the image.
The logo as it appears at the beginning of IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (1934)
is without clouds. The lady is featured with a dark bob and a kind of
Cleopatra-like headdress across her forehead, standing (no feet or pedestal
visible) under an arch of chiseled though square-shaped letters
reading "A Columbia Production". She is draped in an
American flag complete with the stars on her left shoulder and the stripes
coming across her middle, supported by her left arm, and hanging down her
right side. Her torch is displayed with a rather primitive, flickering
style of animation emitting lines of light as rays.
By the opening of MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON in 1939
however, the woman with the torch appeared completely different. Much
more refined, ethereal and goddess-like, her facial features became less
pronounced and she looked away (up and to the right) instead of straight
ahead. Her headdress was removed and her hair swept back instead of
hanging by the sides of her face. The drape over her shoulder became
somewhat less-obviously an American flag, the stars on the left shoulder having been
toned down in a shadow, and the stripes visible only on the portion of the
drape hanging down her right side. "A Columbia Production"
was replaced with the tall chiseled letters of "Columbia" running
straight across the top section of the screen, with the lady's torch glowing
in front of the "U" and clouds appearing for the first time in the
background. A new form of animation was used on the logo as well, with
a torch that radiates light instead of flickers.
The Columbia
lady as she appeared before THE GUNS OF NAVARONE (1961).
In 1941 the logo underwent another makeover. As the
new logo appeared to introduce COMMANDOS STRIKE AT DAWN (1942), the lady looked
much as she had in 1939, only the stripes were removed, and the flag became
simply a drape without markings, dark on the left shoulder but only the
shadows of the folds differentiating the rest of it from the lady's white
gown on her right side. The "Columbia" lettering was also
modified in 1941, still chiseled but less bold, and with darker shadowing.
Sometime in the 1950s, the Columbia Lady's robe was
redrawn and shaded so as to emphasize the plunging neckline. By the end of the 1960s she had lost
her slipper-clad foot peeking out from the bottom of her robe as it divided
just above the pedestal. Also in the 1960s, the clouds behind the logo
became concentrated in the center and more billowy in shape.
In 1976 the Columbia Lady was dropped from the logo
altogether and replaced with a simple sunburst representing the beams from
her torch. She returned in the early 1980s however, smoother in appearance and
with much less detail. "Columbia" became "Columbia Pictures"
on either side of the base of her pedestal, and in a less conspicuous
rounded font. Some even described the lady's smoother body shape as
resembling a Coke bottle. (Coca-Cola had bought the studio in 1982.)
The 1993 logo designed by
Michael J. Deas.
The logo's most recent overhaul was undertaken in 1993
when Sony Pictures Entertainment (which bought Columbia in 1989)
commissioned illustrator Michael J. Deas to redesign the lady and return her
to her "classic" look. The result, based on Deas' sessions
with Mandeville, Louisiana homemaker Jenny Joseph who posed for him with a
makeshift robe and torch, was a taller, slimmer Columbia Lady with lighter,
curlier hair and a dimmer torch. Rather than use Joseph's face
however, Deas constructed a composite face made up of several
computer-generated features.
Deas returned the giant chiseled letters to the logo, but
the design was also updated for the 1990s. In the animated logo that
appears before Columbia films on the big screen, the torch sparkles, the background clouds move
across the sky, and a ring of light shimmers around the lady.
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