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Ben-Hur (1959)

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Ben-Hur (1959) poster

The most honored film of all-time, BEN-HUR (1959) won eleven of the twelve Academy Awards for which it was nominated -- and deservedly so.  More than just an almost-four hour long Roman spectacle of pomp and pageantry, BEN-HUR has become known as an "intimate epic" -- that is, a film that doesn't lose sight of its characters and their personal struggles amidst its large-scale production values and grandeur.  It is a spectacle; it is entertainment; and therein lies the film's initial attraction.  But the human drama of the characters, their struggle with each other and with themselves, makes BEN-HUR a picture worth more than the sum total of all its sets, costumes and special effects.  It is a story of a man, and therein lies its eternal appeal.

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