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Hedy Lamarr
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regarded as the most beautiful woman ever to illumine the silver screen,
Vienna-born Hedy Kiesler unexpectedly earned her first international film fame
at age nineteen when she took a nude swim and romp through the woods in EKSTASE
(1933). But five years later when she arrived in Hollywood,
MGM renamed her Hedy Lamarr, repackaged her in stunningly simple Irene and Adrian
gowns, and revealed her to the world as a cool, classy, and unattainably
mesmerizing beauty whose very presence in a picture could provide a leading man
with instant character motivation. Despite a hit-and-miss record with the
critics, she reigned as one of the world's biggest movie stars from the late
1930s through the early 1950s, her luminous, exquisitely sculpted face
outshining every other prized, disproportionate display of female anatomy in
Hollywood. In the end however, her greatest asset also proved her greatest
handicap. Audiences couldn't understand a leading man who wasn't in love
with her, and therefore, couldn't accept a plotline in which she was anything
but pursued, limiting her to a narrow range of characters who were always the
object of someone else's affection with little room for motivations of their
own. |
Young Hedy (whose name rhymes with "lady") had only played supporting
roles in a handful of movies when Austrian filmmaker Gustav de Machaty
recruited the aspiring actress to play the ingénue lead in what the
world would eventually come to know as ECSTASY (1933), though few
American filmgoers ever actually saw it. The story of a young
bride who marries an older man only to return home shortly thereafter,
virtue intact, before eventually finding a night of passion with a young
engineer, the almost wordless drama was not particularly racy in
plotline by the European standards of its day, but the way the story was
filmed was.
the beginning, Hedy claimed there had been no nudity or overtly intimate
scenes in the script, and she was herself surprised to see her bare body
parts on screen (when the director had assured her the camera was too
far away to capture anything but the most atmospheric silhouettes), as
well as to see the combined effects of the close-ups he had shot of her
face reacting when he stuck her with pins. Implausible as it may
sound by modern standards, the credibility of Hedy's naïveté was
supported by the fact that she took her parents with her to preview the
film and the whole family walked out of the screening together.
Shortly before the movie's release, Hedy married her first husband,
European munitions magnate Fritz Mandl, who promptly set about trying to
buy up all the existing prints of EKSTASE to spare himself and his new
wife any further embarrassment. However, as
MGM would also discover pursuing a similar effort five years later, when the
negative is beyond reach, buying up prints is an expensive, and ultimately
futile, pursuit.
Erotic scandal aside, the severely edited prints of the film that
still exist show a paragon of youth and beauty credibly experiencing
(however manipulated) a rite of passage into adulthood, struggling to
understand its significance, and lovingly embracing the fruit of her
experience. As would also be rarely, yet distinctly evidenced in
her later Hollywood years, the maternal instincts Hedy displays
in her joyful interaction with her baby at the end of EKSTASE would
prove to be one of her most humanizing, unappreciated and under-utilized
acting assets. |
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