After making his film debut with his
face wrapped in bandages in THE INVISIBLE MAN (1933), Rains again found his face
masked ten years later in PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (1943). A bit heavy on the opera,
this was the first talking film version of Gaston LeRoux's novel (the famous
1925 film starring Lon Chaney had been silent) and won Oscars for its full-color
cinematography and art/set direction.
Memorable Quotations:
"It is your business as Minister of War to know which side
will win a battle before it is fought!" --as Napoleon III in JUAREZ
"Democracy--the rule of the cattle, by the cattle, for the
cattle!" --as Napoleon III in JUAREZ (1939).
In 1946 Rains earned his fourth and final Oscar nomination for Best
Supporting Actor in Alfred
Hitchcock's NOTORIOUS starring Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant. This spy thriller set in
post World War II South America still packs a good punch today.
less successful crime drama, WHERE DANGER LIVES (1950) featured Faith Domergue
and Robert Mitchum (both above) in addition
to Maureen O'Sullivan.
Sipping champagne in one of his last roles, as Dryden in the Best Picture of 1962,
David Lean's desert epic LAWRENCE
OF ARABIA, also featuring Peter O'Toole,
Omar Sharif, Alec Guiness, Anthony Quinn and Jack Hawkins.